DVM Sergei Alexandrovich Luzhetskiy
Dr. Sergei Luzhetskiy obtained a veterinary degree at the St. Petersburg Academy of Veterinary Medicine in 2008. Since 2005, he has been gaining practice at the clinic “Dr. Sotnikov” in St. Petersburg, where he was employed immediately after graduation as a veterinary clinical ophthalmologist.
During 12 years of work, he completely organized and led the department of ophthalmology at the clinic “Dr Sotnikov”, which provides a wide range of veterinary ophthalmology services and is the leading ophthalmological service in the Russian Federation.
Since 2010, with the help of the clinic’s staff, Sergei Luzhetskiy has been organizing the annual veterinary ophthalmological conference, which is held every fall in St. Petersburg. About 200 veterinarians participate in this conference every year, and leading world experts are invited to this event as lecturers.
He regularly participates in ECVO and ESVO events. He has been a lecturer at numerous veterinary conferences in Russia and neighboring countries. He publishes articles in veterinary journals in Russia. He publishes his clinical work on his youtube channel which is quite popular among a narrow circle of veterinary experts.
Dr. Luzhetskiy is an ophthalmologist at the specialist veterinary ophthalmological clinic Oculus.