Vladimir Pajalić
Vladimir obtained the degree of the veterinary technician in Agricultural and Chemical School “Dr. Đorđe Radić” in Kraljevo, at the same time completing his studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. In addition to his expertise, Vladimir has a large amount of positive energy, so even the most frightened patients quickly calm down in Vladimirs hug.

Nikola Pajalić
Nikola obtained the degree of veterinary technician at the Agricultural-Chemical School "Dr. Đorđe Radić" in Kraljevo and is currently completing his studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. He always knew that veterinary medicine would be his choice because his pets developed empathy and a great desire to help animals. If you ask Nikola today what fulfills him the most, he will tell you: "Staying in your hometown, nature, as well as animals".

Damjana Ojdanić
Damjana has been surrounded by various animals since she was a child and she loves them all equally. She volunteered at a dog shelter in Ub for ten years. That work with abandoned animals marked her emotional path towards her current profession. She graduated from the Agricultural High School in Šabac. She also did work in large practice, but the small practice is still her favorite. She communicates with animals as with humans, and in addition to her love for veterinary medicine, she also writes poetry.

DVM Jelica Vuković Stanković
Dr. Vukovic Stankovic has been practicing small practice for more than 10 years. Her favorite branch of veterinary medicine is an emergency veterinary medicine. She acquired professional training in the field of emergency veterinary medicine at a renowned emergency clinic in the USA –Eastern Iowa Veterinary Specialty Center. During her years of practice, she attended various seminars and training in the country and abroad.
In addition to work, he also enjoys spending his free time doing various physical activities in nature.

DVM Slavica Đukić
Slavica Đukić, the doctor of veterinary medicine, obtained a veterinary diploma at the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Belgrade in 1998. He graduated as a specialist in clinical pathology and equine therapy in 2000. She has had several months of professional training at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital-Iowa State University (1999 and 2005). Since 2001, he has been performing a private veterinary practice. Since 2014, he has been teaching Animal Diseases at the “Josif Pančić” Agricultural High School in Pancevo. Dr. Djukić is in the program of ophthalmological specialization in the specialist clinic Oculus, under the mentorship of Dr. Grozdanić, Dr. Lazić, and Dr. Luzhetskiy.

DVM Sergei Alexandrovich Luzhetskiy
Dr. Sergei Luzhetskiy obtained a veterinary degree at the St. Petersburg Academy of Veterinary Medicine in 2008. Since 2005, he has been gaining practice at the clinic “Dr. Sotnikov” in St. Petersburg, where he was employed immediately after graduation as a veterinary clinical ophthalmologist.
During 12 years of work, he completely organized and led the department of ophthalmology at the clinic “Dr Sotnikov”, which provides a wide range of veterinary ophthalmology services and is the leading ophthalmological service in the Russian Federation.
Since 2010, with the help of the clinic’s staff, Sergei Luzhetskiy has been organizing the annual veterinary ophthalmological conference, which is held every fall in St. Petersburg. About 200 veterinarians participate in this conference every year, and leading world experts are invited to this event as lecturers.
He regularly participates in ECVO and ESVO events. He has been a lecturer at numerous veterinary conferences in Russia and neighboring countries. He publishes articles in veterinary journals in Russia. He publishes his clinical work on his youtube channel which is quite popular among a narrow circle of veterinary experts.
Dr. Luzhetskiy is an ophthalmologist at the specialist veterinary ophthalmological clinic Oculus.

DVM Tatjana Lazić
Dr. Lazić obtained a veterinary degree at theFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade in 2000. After basic veterinary education, she obtained a master’s degree in veterinary anesthesiology (2002), and in 2009 she obtained a doctorate, scientific field – veterinary pathology. In the same year she completed her specialist program from Veterinary Pathology at Iowa State University (ISU) . Dr. Lazić was an assistant professor at the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at ISU (2009 – 2011).
Dr. Lazić has participated in several large federal scientific studies that have dealt with the mechanisms of brain and eye diseases. He is the author of 16 scientific papers in the field of veterinary pathology with an emphasis on the pathology of the eye, brain, and respiratory system. She has given numerous international lectures on various topics in pathology and is an active international lecturer for courses in veterinary pathology with the aim of continuing the education of veterinary pathologists.
See more about Dr. Lazic at ResearchGate.
Dr. Lazić currently serves as an advisor for the pathology of veterinary pathology diagnostic laboratories in Europe, Asia, and the United States. She is the chief ophthalmologist at the Animal Eye Consultants of Iowa Clinic, and at the same time with Dr. Grozdanic, a veterinary certified ophthalmologist, she provides a dual opinion service in ophthalmic pathology in which each ophthalmic sample is evaluated simultaneously by a pathologist and an ophthalmologist.
Dr. Lazić is a pathologist-consultant of the specialist veterinary ophthalmological clinic Oculus.

DVM Siniša Grozdanić
Dr. Grozdanić obtained a veterinary degree at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Belgrade in 1998. After basic veterinary education, he received a doctorate in neuroscience in 2002, and in 2007 he completed clinical veterinary ophthalmology at Iowa State University (ISU). Dr. Grozdanić was an assistant professor and clinical ophthalmologist at the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences of ISU (2007-2011). Since 2011, he has been working at his ophthalmological hospital in Iowa ("Animal Eye Consultants of Iowa").
Dr. Grozdanić has published 48 papers and one chapter of a book in the field of glaucoma, neuroprotection, autoimmune retinal diseases, eye imaging, and stem cell therapy for those eye diseases that lead to vision loss. He has given more than 70 international lectures on advanced diagnostic tests and ways to treat various eye diseases.
See more about Dr. Grozdanić at ResearchGate.
Dr. Grozdanić had the exceptional honor of being the first veterinary ophthalmologist in North America to perform an artificial cornea transplant in a veterinary patient, and he developed numerous new diagnostic procedures and treatments for various eye diseases in dogs, cats, and ungulates. He is a consultant for working dogs of the Ministry of Defense and the US Secret Service. He has always been happy to help colleagues and has advised more than 80 veterinary ophthalmologists from 6 different continents in resolving complex clinical cases in veterinary ophthalmology. He constantly and selflessly participates in the process of acquiring scientific knowledge and in the process of practical training of young veterinary ophthalmologists from all parts of the world.
Dr. Grozdanić performs all complex extraocular operations on the eyelids and cornea, as well as intraocular operations - cataract surgery, glaucoma, and vitreoretinal surgery. He is particularly interested in diagnostic methods for early detection of retinal and glaucoma diseases, new medical and surgical approaches in resolving glaucoma, endoscopic eye and orbit surgery, laser therapy, advanced therapy for autoimmune eye diseases, and stem cell therapy for blind eye diseases. so that his scientific research and clinical work go in that direction. Dr. Grozdanić is an ophthalmologist-consultant of the specialist veterinary ophthalmological clinic Oculus.

Eyelid lesions in dogs
The eyelids represent significant protection of all eye structures. Any anomaly of the eyelids (laceration, tumors, anatomical defects) can lead to loss of their function, and consequently corneal ulcers, scars, and pigmented spots.