Bite wounds in dogs and cats
One of the most common reasons why dogs and cats come to the emergency room is the wounds caused by a “quarrel” with another known or unknown animal. In cats that live outside, either permanently or occasionally, clashes with other cats are frequent because of a partner (unless the animal has been neutered/sterilized) or because of territory.
The injuries that occur can be various, from harmless superficial wounds that do not penetrate the tissue or are shallow, but also to very severe injuries to various parts of the body, which can seriously endanger the life of a dog or cat, and lead to death. The biggest problem arises if there is a fight between a large and a small dog, where the injuries inflicted on a smaller dog can be very extensive, affect more organ systems, and endanger the life of the individual. Also, single wounds in cats can often appear superficially harmless, especially if the animal has large fur, but they extend deep and are a potential source of infection, including sepsis and septic shock in animals.
It is very important that if the animal has experienced a “fight” with another animal, and even if the wounds look small, take the dog or cat to the vet to examine the severity of the injury in detail and determine adequate therapy. Wounds that lead to difficulty breathing, uncontrolled bleeding, weakness, and collapse, inability to move, or are visibly contaminated require an urgent reaction from the owner and the veterinarian. In the emergency service of veterinary clinics, the veterinarian will provide the necessary first aid to the patient, stabilize the condition of the animal, determine the extent of injuries and assess and take further necessary steps in the treatment and repair of injuries.