Emergency vet

Ambulance for dogs, cats and other animals

Stabilization of acute endocrine conditions

Success in treating acute endocrine crises, which often occur in emergency veterinary clinics, depends on early identification and treatment of the problem. Many endocrine diseases that occur in animals often do not have specific symptoms and signs.


preparing the dog for surgery

Also, what further complicates matters is that endocrine disorders often occur together with other systemic diseases, making early detection and treatment difficult. Although endocrine diseases are mostly of a chronic course and with symptoms that progress slowly, certain conditions have an acute clinical picture and require urgent veterinary care.

Conditions requiring urgent veterinary intervention.

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS), hypoglycemia, insulin, hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease), pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, and myxedematous coma are all conditions that require urgent veterinary intervention. Regardless of whether the disease was diagnosed earlier and whether the patient was put on therapy, there are moments when, for many reasons, the clinical picture of the animal can worsen and when stabilization of the patient is in the first place.

We are equipped and trained to provide emergency care to patients, to stabilize the current condition, and to enable your chosen veterinarians to apply or modify therapy for endocrine diseases that your animal may have. In agreement with your veterinarian, after stabilization, the animal will be referred for further treatment by your veterinarian.